Dr. Aruna Govada
B.Tech., M.Tech., Ph. D.
HOD, Department of Computer Engineering
Mobile: 9730244034
Email-ID: arubitsgoa@gmail.com, aruna.govada@gov.in
Website (previous employer):
https://www.drarunag.wordpress.com (personal)
Scopus Author ID: 56943472000
Researcher ID: C-9939-2017
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1440-8520
Areas of Interest
Data Mining, Distributed Data Mining, Machine Learning, Parallel/Distributed Computing, Relational Data Mining, Database Systems.
I am very passionate in the machine learning/data mining algorithms and applying in real life applications under parallel/distributed environment. I worked in universities in teaching positions like BITS-Pilani KK Birla Goa Campus, NIT-Goa, VIT-AP and also I am having practical experience through my research. In today’s Information Era finding insights of the data is challenging but it enables us to derive the knowledge. Parallel/Distributed Algorithms are need of the hour in this Big Data Era. My research thesis titled “Study in Data Reduction and Multi-Class Classification for Distributed data” includes the data mining/machine learning techniques to reduce the dimensions of the data and for the classification of distributed data.” I am very confident that I will be able to contribute my best in the chosen area with my expertise.
PhD (CSE), Title: “Study in Data Reduction and Multi-Class Classification for Distributed Data” from BITS-Pilani , 2018
M.Tech(CSE) from Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, July 1999- Dec 2000, 6.96 CGPA
B.Tech(CSE) from Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla, NU, July 1995-March 1999, 68%.
Intermediate from LAG.Jr. College, Board Of Intermediate, 1993-95, 73.5%.
X Class from LAGHigh School, Board of Secondary Education, 1992-93, 78% .
- 15 Years of experience in teaching UG and PG students and research experience for more than 8 years and 1 year in teaching Diploma students and administration.
- Mentoring students for their projects (both UG & PG).
- Preparing syllabus and hand-outs, conducting exams and grading on online teaching-learning management tools like MOODLE.
- Conducting open book exam by preparing Analytical/Design questions.
Present: Associate Professor & HOD, Dept. of Tech. Education, Govt. Polytechnic, Daman from Jan 8th 2018. (Union Public Service Commission(UPSC) Selection)
S.No | Institution | From | To | Exp. | Profile | Designation |
1. | Vellore Institute of Technology, Amaravathi Campus | Jun ‘17 | Nov ‘17 | 5 m | Teaching & Research | Assistant Professor (S.G) |
2. | National Institute of Technology, Goa | Jan ‘17 | May‘17 | 5 m | Teaching &Research | Faculty |
3. | BITS Pilani, KK Birla Goa Campus | Jun ‘08 | Dec ‘ 16 | 8.5y | Teaching &Research | Lecturer |
4. | Sasi Institute Of Technology and Engineering, Tadepalligudem, AP | Jun ‘06 | Jun ‘08 | 2y | Teaching & Head of the Department | Associate professor |
5. | BVC Institute Of Technology and Science, Amalapuram, AP | Jun ‘05 | Jun ‘06 | 1y | Teaching &Head of the Department | Associate professor |
6. | Raghu Engineering College Visakhapatnam Dt., AP | Jun ‘04 | May‘05 | 1y | Teaching | Assistant Professor |
7. | Sir.CRR College of Engineering, Eluru, AP | Feb ‘02 | Nov ‘03 | 1.5y | Teaching | Lecturer |
8. | Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru, AP | Sep ‘01 | Feb ‘02 | 4 m | Teaching | Assistant Professor |
- Received Travel grant from Microsoft Research Labs, India to present the paper in 11th international conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining during July 20-23 ‘ 2015 in Hamburg, Germany.
- College first award in Physics in Intermediate 1994.
1. Aruna Govada, S.K.Sahay. A communication efficient and scalable distributed data mining for the astronomical data Elsevier Astronomy and Computing Vol. 16, July 16, pp 166-173. DOI: 10.1016/j.ascom.2016.06.002 (SCIe)
2. Aruna Govada, Shree Ranjani, Aditi Viswanathan and S.K. Sahay. A Novel Approach to Distributed Multi-Class SVM. Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 2, No. 5, 2014, pp. 72-79. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14738/tmlai.25.562 (dblp)
3. Aruna Govada, Sanjay.K.Sahay , Covariance Estimation for vertically partitioned Data in a Distributed Environment, 17th IEEE Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing , Shanghai, China ( Among 14 selected best papers) Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 653, pp 151-164.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-33810-1_12 (Scopus/Core Rank : C)
4. Aruna Govada, Bhavul Gauri ,Sanjay.K.Sahay : Distributed Multi-Class SVM for Large Data Sets. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Women in Computing and Informatics – . DOI: 10.1145/2791405.2791534 (Scopus)
5. Aruna Govada, Bhavul Gauri, Sanjay.K.Sahay : Centroid Based Binary Tree Structured SVM for Multi Classification. 4Th IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, Kochi, Kerala, Aug 10-13, 2015, pp. 258-262
DOI: 10.1109/ICACCI.2015.7275618 (Scopus)
6. Aruna Govada,Pravin Joshi,Sahil Mittal,Sanjay Kumar Sahay, Hybrid Approach for Inductive Semi Supervised Learning Using Label Propagation and Support Vector Machine, 11Th International Conference,MLDM 2015 Hamburg, Germany, July 20-21,2015, LNAI 9166, pp. 199-213. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-21024-7_14 (Scopus)
7. Aruna Govada, Varsha S. Thomas, Ipsita Samal, Sanjay K. Sahay, Distributed multi-class
rule based classification using RIPPER, 16th IEEE conference on CIT, Fiji Islands, 7-10 Dec
2016, pp. 303-309.
DOI: 10.1109/CIT.2016.111 (Scopus/Core rank:C)
8. Aruna Govada, Abhinav P, Atmika H, Association rule mining using Apriori for large and
growing data sets under Hadoop, Proceedings of the 2017 VI International Conference on
Network, Communication and Computing – ACM, Kunming, China, 8-10 Dec 2017, pp. 14-
17. DOI: 10.1145/3171592.3171621 (Scopus)
1. Publicity chair for Indosys-2014, Jun 28-29, 2014. http://cstar.iiit.ac.in/~kkishore/indosys/
2. TPC Member at CICT 2018 – Conference n Information and Communication Technology.
1.Participated in International Virtual Observatory Alliance Interoperability meeting and
given a talk on “Distributed data mining in accessing data from astronomical catalogues”
held at IUCAA Pune during Oct 17-21, 2011.
2.Guest Lecture on “Distributed Data Mining” in SDM College of Engineering, Dharwad,
April 24, 2016.
3.Guest Lecture on “Distributed Data Mining in Today’s Big Data Era” in Gudlavalleru
Engineering College, Gudlavalleru, December 27, 2016.
4. Workshop conducted on “Data Mining” in Martin Luther Christian University, Shillong,
February 25, 2019.
M.Tech Thesis Guided
1. Decision Tree Construction under distributed environment for large scientific applications
using DDM toolkit , 2011. Name of the Student : Omkar Godbole.
2. Distributed Principal Component Analysis , 2013. Name of the Student : Cynara Fernandus
M.Tech Projects Guided (Some)
1. Analysis of suicidal deaths in India from 2002-2014 using association rule mining, 2016
2. Analysis of accidental deaths in India from 2002-2014 using sci-kit learn, 2016
3. Naïve Bays Algorithm for Distributed Data using Hadoop, 2016
4. K-Means Clustering for Distributed Data using Hadoop, 2016
And more…
B.Tech Projects Guided (Some)
1. Analysis of sorting techniques by Parallel Programming Techniques under PVM
technology, 2008.
2.Commands for IPC in UNIX Programming, 2009.
3.Case-Based Reasoning Techniques , 2009.
4.BITS – Salary Application Package, 2009.
5.IPC Commands under UNIX , 2009.
6.Principal Component Analysis using Java Agent Development Programming , 2010.
7.Principal Component Analysis for vertical partition data using JADE, 2011.
8.Decision Tree Construction using HADOOP, 2012.
9.Distributed Data Mining for Astronomical Data Analysis under HADOOP, 2012.
10. Distributed Ripper on Hadoop, 2013.
11.K-Means Clustering on Hadoop, 2013 .
12. Distributed SVM under Hadoop, 2014 .
13. Load Balancing in Wireless Sensor Networks using Machine Learning, 2017.
And more …..
Subjects teaching at present
Computer Programming C, Advanced Computer Programming C++
Subjects Taught at VIT-AP
Problem Solving with C++, Engineering Clinics Project with Arduino Boards
Subjects Taught at NIT-Goa
Database Systems, Data Mining
Subjects Taught at BITS-Pilani
Computer Programming-I, Computer Programming-II, Parallel Computing, Data Processing, Database Systems, Data Mining, Advance Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence
Subjects Taught in Previous Colleges
Parallel Programming, Advanced Unix Programming, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Data warehousing and Mining, Artificial Intelligence, C and Numerical methods, Operating Systems, Operations Research, Theory Of Computation, Database management systems
Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, Unix
Programming Languages: C, C++, Java, Python
Database Query Languages: MySQL
Distributed Frameworks: MPI, PVM, Hadoop, Java Agent Development and Framework
Machine Learning Frameworks: Weka, Sci-kit learn